Sunday, September 28, 2008
On Saturday morning, as soon as i got up, my first thought was, "was there a presidential debate yesterday"? I quickly switched on my computer as started looking at BBC, and yes the debate had taken place and someone even named John McCain as the winner( though that was a biased website, infact many reported there wasn't a winner at all, it was a draw, hehehe it is like one of the patti mandrams of Soloman Pappaiya). I had mixed feelings as I really do not have much idea who might be the better choice of the two to be the President of US of A, which by the way is getting blows after blows in all fronts. So whoever is elected, must be prepared for sleepless nights for at least four years and he for sure not taking up the captaincy at the right time.
BBC had posted some video clips of the debate and frankly, i felt unless you are a person who does not require some drama and action to get the things to ur brains, this would have been a good one. Or may be presidential debates are always like this, but i enjoyed every bit of their conversation. So as i viewed the last clip, i decided i 'll search any of my family or my friends who has seen the whole debate live on TV. So first I called my father, who is normally very active in knowing the world politics and according to me, he has the answers for all my question. He though knew there was such an event going to take place showed no interest to watch it as his defence was, how does it matter?
These were the answer i received from few of my friends too. For me it is the Greatest election in the History of America. First there was fight between Hillary and Obama, though for many republican supporters, McCain was their unanimous choice. The democratic fight between the candidates actually bought me interest to follow this election. And i must tell u, i felt the fight that Hillary and Obama had is no where close to what the presidential candidates are having now.
So coming back to the topic, why is no one showing interest to know, who is going to be elected as the President of the most powerful country in the world?
In the past two years, the world has seen lots of elections, some fair ones and some unfair, and ofcourse these elections came with a plenty of drama, be it in asia or in Africa. I do not remember if the elections were so nail biting like this some 5 years ago, or is it that the election details are more accessible now because of internet. But one thing is for sure, the media now is playing a very very important role, and it is so keen to analyse the candidates that they are even providing free marketing solutions for some eye glass brand which is used by some canditates and this is put as a news in its first page by some websites. All i can say seeing these articles is Oh My God.
These petite news, too much drama obviously has become a part of this generation election campaign. Some country votes for some candidates because of some emotional reasons, while others are forced to vote. I think too many commotions created during the election campain, which is hyper exaggerated by the media has certainly made a good a number of people numb towards the exciting turns that the political situations are taking us. Each day is like in a roller coaster ride, which by the way is my favorite, and i do not think i 'll stop enjoying this ride anywhere in the near future, so i am looking forward for the second debate between Palin and Biden on Oct. 4 :D, which i think 'll be more intresting than the one last friday :) I plan to sleep in the morning as i can be awake to watch the debate, due to the time difference :D
Ananthi Sankaran
1 Comment:
- Unknown said...
September 30, 2008 at 6:57 AMIf you get a chance dont miss to see the debate in which bill clinton was involved before he became the president.I dont remember exactly what happened.But i can surely say that Bill was awesome and after seeing that i thought he thoroughly deserved to be the president.You should be able to find it youtube.